• quick march • remainder mark time | |
दाहिने: to the right dress left edge left extend left | |
दाहिने से: march quick march दाहिने to the right | |
से: through specially herewith past by afar affiliate | |
एक: a 1 ace unity unit oneness one theromegatherm | |
एक फाइल: single file एक a 1 ace unity unit oneness one | |
फाइल: file dossier portfire | |
में: within by between afield among IN amidst into in | |
आगे: front along up forwards Forth fore afore firstly | |
आगे बढ: by the left forward forward by the centre left | |
दाहिने से एक फाइल में आगे बढ अंग्रेज़ी में
[ dahine se ek phail mem age badh ]